Tag: joel meyerowitz

What Makes a Great Street Photograph? – 3. Compelling Storyline

“Part of the reality of making images is that they are flexible: they can be read in singular ways, as individual “heads” in a picture, or they can be read in global ways, with universal meanings about culture, society and the time in which the image was made?“ Joel Meyerowitz,

What Makes a Great Street Photograph?

I’ve been making street photographs seriously again for around 10 years now. I say ‘again’ because I actually dabbled in what I now know was street photography way back in the late 70’s early 80’s when I owned a 35mm Nikon FM2 SLR and developed and printed my own black

Street Photography 101: Colour or Black and White?

Or should that be ‘Black and White or Colour’? Traditionally street photography is de facto done in black and white. That’s not just because many of the early masters only had access to black and white film but also because it’s seen to be a more authentic style for this

Street Photography 101: Should I take that photo?

Street photography is primarily about making images of people in their surroundings. Usually these are in our cities and towns but they can, of course, be anywhere people work, play or generally congregate and hang out together. When taking pictures of people, sometimes without them being aware, most photographers will,

Dorridge, England, 2021

Street Photography 101: Use juxtaposition

I am relatively new to street photography by which I mean, I have been ‘dabbling’ for a few years but never really taken it seriously. Indeed, as I’ve written before, I never really saw the point of it. Recently however, I’ve begun to change my mind about street photography. Having

Another Stream of Consciousness

Following on from this one, and probably due to the interminable state of lockdown and my reduced expectations for my photography, here’s another stream of recent photographic consciousness. Always take a camera with you, even to the supermarket. A camera gives you a license to see. As a photographer you

NY Through The Lens

In 2010 and 2011 I was lucky enough to make several trips to New York City – seven in total over a period of 18 months. These being business trips time for photography was somewhat limited however I was able to get out and about with my camera in the

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