Tag: street photography

What Makes a Great Street Photograph? – 2. Emotional Impact

“When people look at my pictures I want them to feel the way they do when they want to read a line of a poem twice.“ Robert Frank A powerful street photograph can evoke emotions in the viewer, whether it’s joy, sadness, curiosity, or surprise. Capturing genuine human moments or

What Makes a Great Street Photograph?

I’ve been making street photographs seriously again for around 10 years now. I say ‘again’ because I actually dabbled in what I now know was street photography way back in the late 70’s early 80’s when I owned a 35mm Nikon FM2 SLR and developed and printed my own black

Are You a Compose and Wait Photographer?

Okay, I know this is only a promotional video for a new camera but I do encourage you to take a look at this one. You can fast forward through the bits where they discuss the camera if you wish but do listen watch the bits about the photographer himself,

Street Photography 101: Colour or Black and White?

Or should that be ‘Black and White or Colour’? Traditionally street photography is de facto done in black and white. That’s not just because many of the early masters only had access to black and white film but also because it’s seen to be a more authentic style for this

Elliott Erwitt 1928 – 2023

It was with great sadness to hear that Elliott Erwitt, one of this and last century’s photographic greats, died last month at the age of 95. Elliott Erwitt, who was born on July 26, 1928, in Paris, was an American photographer and filmmaker known for his candid and humorous black-and-white

Saturday 6th May, 2023. Coronation Day

At the coronation of King George VI in 1937 Henri Cartier-Bresson famously turned his back on the ceremony and photographed the crowds instead. If you are photographing the celebrations outside of London you have little choice but to do anything else. It is said no one does pomp and circumstance

10 Years of Blogging

This April has seen the tenth anniversary of my photography blog here at WordPress. To celebrate I thought I would select my ten favourite images, taken over the last decade, plus one taken in 2023, as my eleventh year of blogging begins. Kerry was diagnosed with untreatable pancreatic cancer in

Street Photography 101: Always review your images

Street photography requires a great deal of patience and resilience. You can easily spend a whole day tramping the streets and come back home with precisely nothing, zero, zilch – no ‘keeper’ images whatsoever. It’s one of the downsides of the genre and something you’ll have to get used to

Street Photography 101: Dealing with the one that got away

Street photography is often a game of waiting. You find somewhere or something that looks promising but instinctively know it is missing some element. Maybe a person or a vehicle needs to enter the frame or maybe it’s the light that is not quite right. Whichever it is you know

Devon, England, 2019

Why I photograph?

I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately. Oddly, and perversely, because I am not photographing so much, and feel the need to do so, I am also questioning why I do it. I recently read the book What Does Photography Mean To You? edited by Grant Scott. Reading through

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